External Carotid Artery
ECA Branches
Branches | Vascular Supply and Anastomoses |
**Superior thyroid artery (A)** | Larynx and upper thyroid Thyrocervical trunk (branch of the subclavian artery) supplies the inferior thyroid and isthmus. |
**Ascending pharyngeal artery (M)** | Nasopharynx, oropharynx, and middle ear CNs IX, X, and XI Meninges Anastomoses with the vertebral artery branches |
**Lingual artery (A)** | Tongue and the floor of the mouth |
**Facial artery (A)** | Face, palate, and lips Angular branch of the facial artery anastomoses with the orbital branch of the ophthalmic artery. |
**Occipital artery (P)** | Posterior scalp, upper cervical musculature Posterior fossa and meninges Anastomoses with the vertebral artery |
**Posterior auricular artery (P)** | Pinna, external auditory canal, and scalp |
**Superficial temporal artery** | Scalp and ear |
**Internal maxillary artery (aka Maxillary Artery)** | Deep face Gives off the middle meningeal artery (MMA) and accessory meningeal arteries Anastomoses with inferior lateral cavernous sinus trunk and ophthalmic artery through ethmoidal branches |