External Carotid Artery

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ECA Branches

Branches Vascular Supply and Anastomoses
Superior thyroid artery (A) Larynx and upper thyroid
Thyrocervical trunk (branch of the subclavian artery) supplies the inferior
thyroid and isthmus.
Ascending pharyngeal artery (M) Nasopharynx, oropharynx, and middle ear
CNs IX, X, and XI
Anastomoses with the vertebral artery branches
Lingual artery (A) Tongue and the floor of the mouth
Facial artery (A) Face, palate, and lips
Angular branch of the facial artery anastomoses with the orbital branch of the ophthalmic artery.
Occipital artery (P) Posterior scalp, upper cervical musculature
Posterior fossa and meninges
Anastomoses with the vertebral artery
Posterior auricular artery (P) Pinna, external auditory canal, and scalp
Superficial temporal artery Scalp and ear
Internal maxillary artery (aka Maxillary Artery) Deep face
Gives off the middle meningeal artery (MMA) and accessory meningeal arteries
Anastomoses with inferior lateral cavernous sinus trunk and ophthalmic artery through ethmoidal branches