Choroidal arteries
Anterior Choroidal arteries
- Arise from the ICA
- Course: goes through the choroidal fissure → temporal horn of LV Vascular territory:
- Choroid of the LVs (especially in the lateral horn) Hippocampus, amygdala, uncus
- Globus pallidus, caudate tail, putamen Thalamus (VL)
- IC (posterior limb and retrolenticular)
- Optic tract, lateral geniculate nucleus, optic radiation
- Historically, this artery was sacrificed to treat Parkinson’s disease: decreased tremor likely due to decreased blood supply to VL thalamus.
Posterior Choroidal arteries (medial and lateral)
- Arise from the PCA
- Medial branches supply pineal gland, tectum, thalamus, choroid of the third ventricle
- Lateral branches enter the choroidal fissure and anastomose with the anterior choroidal arteries forming variable anastomotic network