Choroidal arteries

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Embryology and Variations of the Posterior Choroidal Artery
Embryology and Variations of the Posterior Choroidal Artery

Anterior Choroidal arteries

  • Arise from the ICA
  • Course: goes through the choroidal fissure → temporal horn of LV Vascular territory:
    • Choroid of the LVs (especially in the lateral horn) Hippocampus, amygdala, uncus
    • Globus pallidus, caudate tail, putamen Thalamus (VL)
    • IC (posterior limb and retrolenticular)
    • Optic tract, lateral geniculate nucleus, optic radiation
  • Historically, this artery was sacrificed to treat Parkinson’s disease: decreased tremor likely due to decreased blood supply to VL thalamus.

ant. choroidal a.: takeoff 2–4mm distal to PComA ⇒ (variable) portion of optic tract, medial GP, genu of IC (in 50%), inf. half of pos. limb of IC, uncus, retrolenticular fibers (optic radiation), LGBN;

AChA syndrome, triad: CL hemiplegia, hemihypesthesia & homonymous hemianopsia (mnemonic: 3 H’s); however, incomplete forms are MC; Occlusion is usually d/t small vessel dz → pos. limb of IC

Posterior Choroidal arteries (medial and lateral)

Medial Posterior Choroidal Artery

  • Medial branches supply pineal gland, tectum, thalamus, choroid of the third ventricle
  • Usually arise from the proximal P2 of the PCA
  • הולך אחורה בציסטרנה אמביאנס
  • בהמשך מסתובב קדימה לתוך גג החדר השלישי

Lateral Posterior Choroidal Artery

  • Lateral branches enter the choroidal fissure and anastomose with the anterior choroidal arteries forming variable anastomotic network