Microscopic Appearance of Medulloblastoma
- Dense sheet of small, basophilic cells
- Little cytoplasm
- Round to oval hyperchromatic nuclei
- High mitotic index
- Evidence of neuronal or glial differentiation in up to 50% of cases
- Homer Wright rosettes are commonly present
=== Homer Wright Rosettes ===

- Homer Wright rosettes are a characteristic microscopic feature of medulloblastoma
- They are thought to represent abortive attempts at neuronal differentiation
- Homer Wright rosettes are not pathognomonic of medulloblastoma and can be seen in other tumors, such as ependymoma

Classic or undifferentiated medulloblastoma (A)
- Highly cellular tumor
- Sheets of small oval or round blue cells
Classic medulloblastoma with area of glial fibrillary acidic protein immunopositivity (B)
- Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a marker of glial differentiation
- The presence of GFAP-positive cells in medulloblastoma suggests that the tumor may have a glial component
Desmoplastic medulloblastoma (C)
- Reticulin-positive internodular zones and reticulin-free pale islands
- Desmoplastic medulloblastoma is a rare subtype of medulloblastoma that is characterized by the presence of reticulin-positive internodular zones and reticulin-free pale islands
Large cell medulloblastoma (D)
- Increased nuclear size with abundant mitoses
- Large cell medulloblastoma is a rare subtype of medulloblastoma that is characterized by the presence of large cells with increased nuclear size and abundant mitoses