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General information
- Meningiomas are a group of tumors that are believed to originate in meningothelial cells of the arachnoid membrane.
- They may be intracranial (MC), intraorbital, or intra-spinal.
Anterior skull base Meningiomas
- Olfactory Groove Meningiomas (OGM)
- Planum Sphenoidale Meningiomas
- Tuberculum Sellae Meningioma (TSM)
Clinical Presentation
- Personality Δ
- H/A
- Sz's
- Visual deficits
- Anosmia
- Foster-Kennedy syndrome of unilateral optic atrophy and contralateral papilledema
Comparison of OGM and TSM
Factor | OGM | TSM |
Location | Cribriform, frontosphenoid suture | Planum sphenoidale, tuberculum sellae |
Blood supply | Ant & pos ethmoidals, middle meningeal, ophthalmic (meningeal branch, ACA & ACoA) | Pos ethmoidal (ACA & ACoA) |
Olfactory nerves | Superolat | Inferolat |
Optic nerve/chiasm | Inferolat | Superolat |
ACA | Pos. to posterosuperior | Posterosuperior |
Parasagittal and falx meningiomas
Sindou grading
Grading of meningioma invasion to SSS
- Type I - attachment to lat. wall of sinus.
- Type II - invasion of lat. recess.
- Type III - invasion of lat. wall.
- Type IV - invasion of lat. wall & roof.
- Type V - total sinus occlusion, contral. wall spared.
- Type VI - total sinus occlusion, invasion of all walls.
Imaging findings
- Wide dural based
- Hyperostosis
- Dural tail
- Calcifications
- Homogeneous enhancement
- Pneumosinus dilatans
- MRI: isointense on T1WI, hypointense on T2WI
- The tumour cells have features of both syncytial and fibroblastic type forming whorls which contain central laminated areas of calcification called psammoma bodies.