Gasserian Ganglion
(Redirected from Trigeminal ganglion)

- Gasserian ganglion, V1 form lateral limit of infratrochlear triangle.
- Maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve exits GG center, runs to foramen rotundum.
- Mandibular nerve occupies most of GG, enters the foramen ovale.
- Mean length of MC: 6-16mm; GG: 15-25mm long, 4-5mm wide.
- GG is sensory ganglion of trigeminal nerve, crescent shaped.
- Subarachnoid space w/i MC extends ~4.9 mm medially and ~1.7 mm laterally beyond posterior edge of GG.
- GG covers petrous ICA & ascending part of cavernous ICA.
- Malignant tumors with primary involvement of sphenoidal sinus difficult to manage, cavernous sinus or internal carotid resection not advised.
- Trigeminal schwannomas (TSs) arise from GG, grow in interdural space in MC, localized to middle cranial fossa.