Affected step of development
MCDs resulting from the disturbance
Short definition of the MCD
Group I
Progenitor cell proliferation and apoptosis
Abnormally small head and brain
Abnormally big head and brain
Overgrowth of (part of) a cerebral hemisphere
Focal cortical dysplasia
Disturbed lamination and dysmorphic neurons
Group II
Neuronal migration
Lissencephaly type I
Absence of normal convolutions/folds
Periventricular heterotopia (PH)
Neurons accumulating at the ventricles underneath a normal cortex
Subcortical band heterotopia/double cortex
Band of grey matter located between the lateral ventricular wall and the cortex
Group III
Neuronal organisation
Cobblestone lissencephaly/lissencephaly type II
Overmigration of neurons to localize on the surface of a brain with reduced gyri
Too many (usually small) folds/convolutions
Fluid-filled cleft from ventricle(s) to pia lined by heterotopic grey matter